A girl called Wanda

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January 6th, 2006

Holy crap, if you still even visit anymore, I thank you for waiting and I feel bad for you. Alot has happened within the last two years. Let me try to summerize:
* Graduated in 2003, went to NMU for one semester, ran out of money and flunked out. Came back home.
* Lost 70 lbs. Yay me! (so that means new updated pics!!)
* I moved to Chicago in August of 2004, lived there for about a year, had a blast, met a bastard of a man from India, got engaged, found out that he was bad news, beat the crap out of him, left him, got promoted at my job, found out my dad was terminally ill with cancer, decided that I should move back and spend time with him. So I went back home.
*Got an apartment in Petoskey, got a job at a gift shop. Been living here since August 2005.
* My dad passed away January 2nd, 2006. My life is now changed and this will be a very difficult year for me. I have created a tribute page for my father and hope you will visit it to see what a wonderful person he was.
I hope to update more often, but with my life the way it is now. I can never promise a thing.
Hope everyone is having a better year than me,


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