Everyone else has a web site these days, so I figured, why not me, too?
I use this web site to express myself. It
has my poetry, my thoughts, news about me and the things, music, art, people ect that inspire me. Whtever I say and do on
this site are my own feelings I express and no one elses. If you would like to make comments on this site (good or bad), I
will be willing to hear them....although I can't promise I'll care about what crap you have to say about me, because as Popeye
the Sailor Man would say...
"I yam's what I yam, and that's all that Im yam"
(words of wisdom)
I hope that you find this site intersting, and I really would like to hear
feedback.....oh and a fan base would be nice too!
oh and remember....................
DONT FORGET TO SIGN MY GUEST BOOK!!!!!! (gawddamnit!!!!)